“Only we humans make waste that nature cannot digest” Captain Charles Moore

Saturday 23 March 2013

Plastic Free Junk-Food

Normally I eat pretty healthy, BUT this weekend, I’ve jumped overboard and abandoned the diet ship….we all do. But this got me thinking, when it is time to abandon said diet ship what plastic free alternatives are out there?
  1. Ice-cream in the cone (don’t ask to taste first as most places use little plastic spatulas, just pick a flavour and go with it)
  2. Pizza
  3. Fish & chips in paper
  4. Burger from the corner surf shop/takeaway store, wrapped in paper (huge and delicious!)
  5. Wine (bottle, not case/cask)
(I indulged in #1, #4 AND #5!, Yes I'm terrible)

What delicious and guilt free (in terms of non-plastic packaging that is) junk food do you indulge into during junk days?

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